PYM2024 – What are you looking for?

PYM2024 Workshops
Catechesis by Carles Gil Saguer
Letter from Pedro Aguado, Father General to PYM2024 participants

Dear Fathers,
Dear Teachers,
Dear Young People,

The Piarist Youth Meeting of 2024 will, be hosted by Hungary from 22nd July to 28th July.

Pope Francis has visited Hungary this year. His fatherly presence and words are vividly living in us up to this day. We were strengthened that our Piarist mission is a continuous answer to the inspiring call of the Holy Spirit who once inspired our Father Calasanz. As we follow him, the Holy Spirit has been accompanying us also in building of the Kingdom of God ever since.

The Holy Father also called our attention to the fact that the following of Christ, being a disciple and searching are strongly related dynamics. He said to the youth of Budapest as follows: „Now let us observe the first encounter of Jesus with those who later became his disciples. Two of them, who had been sent by St. John the Baptist, are following him. The Lord turns to them and ask one single question: „What are you looking for?” (Jn 1,38). I would like to ask you one question too. I would like you to answer in silence, deep in your hearts. My question is: „What are you looking tor? „What are you looking for in lite?” „What are you looking for in your hearts?” Jesus does not want us to be lazy and comtortable. He does not want us to be silent and timid. He wants us to be living and active ones, protagonists, protagonists ot lite. He never belittles our expectations but on the contrary, he Is the one to elevate the standard of our desires.”

The Piarist Order is determined to proclaim the Gospel with the bravery of St. Joseph of Calasanz so that bearing in mind the signs the times may help young people to get to a ‘we’ instead ot a ‘me”.

We are standing by their side on the road ot their lives through which, as we hope, looking to Jesus are able to say again and again: „This is where I belong!”

In the spirit ot the search inspired by the Holy Spirit and the concept of belonging to Jesus, we organize the Piarist Youth Meeting in July 2024.

You might get informed about the details of the events soon at and

You are all welcome to the PYM.

Let’s meet at Vác!

Fr. Viktor Zsódi
Piarist Province ot Hungary

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